National Level Achievers In Various Olympiads

National Level Achievers In Various Olympiads

(48 Gold Medals of Excellence and Medals of Distinction)



Our unstoppable Woodlanders grabbed 48 Gold medals of Excellence and Medals of Distinction with Certificates in National Level Olympiads like National Science Olympiad (NSO), National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE) and 16th National Level Commerce Talent Search Examination surpassing hundreds of students across the country. Woodland has always aimed that every Woodlander should develop and mould their ambitions towards perfection. Our motive has always been to prepare and motivate our Woodlanders for a rapidly changing world by having an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a limitless craving for the latest. This relentless attitude was reflected by our diligent Woodlanders who were applauded in a special assembly in the school assembly ground on Tuesday, 18th April 2023.

Sharing the joyful moments with children, Principal Ms. Puja Dhiman reiterated that these Olympiads help to identify a child’s capability and real potential that may help him survive better in today’s modern competitive world.

Highly elated at the performance of Woodlanders even in crucial times as these our exemplary Dean Dr. Simerjeet Kaur mentioned that our Woodlanders live up to the motto “Carpe Diem” and seize every opportunity that crosses the way. She motivated students to endeavour for better and yearn for a deeper understanding of scientific facts so as to enhance their reasoning, analytical and problem-solving skills.



Heartiest Congratulations to All the Achievers!!!


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