6 Most Common Covid-19 Myths Busters

6 Most Common Covid-19 Myths Busters

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) a pandemic after pointing to over thousands of cases of illness across the globe. With the sustained risk of the global spread of this virus, there have been several myths and rumors circulating due to panic, fear, and rumor-mongering. That’s why Woodland Overseas School, the top school in Hoshiarpur is sharing six most common COVID-19 myths to keep you aware, safe, and protected.


#Myth_1:- COVID-19 cannot be transmitted in areas with hot and humid weather or climatic conditions.

FACT: The new Coronavirus can be transmitted in all areas, including hot and humid weather, from the evidence so far.


#Myth_2:- Are there any specific medicines to treat or prevent the 2019-nCov?

FACT: To date, there has been no vaccine or specific medicine or treatment for COVID-19.


#Myth_3:- Taking a hot bath can prevent coronavirus disease.

FACT: Taking a hot bath will not prevent the new coronavirus disease; in fact, a hot bath can be harmful as it can burn your skin.


#Myth_4:- Mosquito bites can transmit the new coronavirus.

FACT: The Coronavirus spreads primarily through the droplets generated during coughs or sneezes or discharge from the nose of an infected person. And, the coronavirus cannot be transmitted through mosquitoes.


#Myth_5:- Does spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body kill the 2019-nCov?

FACT: Spraying such substances like alcohol or chlorine can be harmful to your clothes or mucous membranes such as eyes and mouth. Thus, spraying alcohol or chlorine does not kill 2019-nCov that has already entered your body.


#Myth_6:- Antibiotics are effective in preventing or treating coronavirus.

FACT: Antibiotics do not work against diseases caused by the virus. So, it should not be used as a means to prevent or treat the COVID-19.


The essential thing to remember is to regularly wash your hands with soap and water and stay home till this pandemic stops spreading. Woodland Overseas School, the best CBSE School in Hoshiarpur, recommends everyone to rely on the information only from the verified sources such as www.who.int or www.unicef.org.

Source – https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/myth-busters

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