Dental Hygiene and Menstrual Cycle Awareness Session

Dental Hygiene and Menstrual Cycle Awareness Session

Awareness Amplified: Empowering Minds, Transforming Lives

In an enlightening session tailored for students in grades V to Vll, we had the privilege of hosting two distinguished experts: the renowned dentist, Dr Jagtar Singh, and the esteemed gynaecologist, Dr Neetu Sareen. The primary objective of the session was to enhance awareness among the students, particularly focusing on two critical aspects of health – dental hygiene and the menstrual cycle. Dr Jagtar Singh, a prominent figure in the field of dentistry, enlightened the students on the importance of maintaining good oral health practices. Through engaging discussions and demonstrations, he addressed common misconceptions and emphasised the significance of regular dental care routines.

Simultaneously, the session addressed another vital aspect of adolescent health – the menstrual cycle. Dr Neetu Sareen, a respected gynaecologist, took the lead in dispelling myths and fostering understanding about this natural biological process. The discussions were tailored to be inclusive and informative, with a special focus on the girls.

By organizing sessions with experts, we aim to empower our students with knowledge that goes beyond the traditional academic curriculum, ensuring they emerge as well-informed and responsible Woodlanders.