Swachta Hi Seva Campagin

Swachta Hi Seva Campagin

Plastic pollution has become an alarming problem for our planet earth. Day by day, the condition of our earth is depleting. The stability of our ecosystem depends upon its bio diversity. To create awareness and bring a hault on this devastating situation of usage of plastic, G-2 to G-5 Woodlanders initiated an eco friendly campaign with various activities. The event started with the enactment by Grade-5 which clearly depicted the dream of Mahatma Gandhi of “Clean and Green India”. To revive and cultivate the feeling of responsibility towards environment, display of biodegradable and non biodegradable materials was done by our woodlanders to express the concern of our depleting ecosystem due to excessive use of plastic materials. Our farsighted Dean Dr. Simarjeet Kaur presented this archaic idea of pledging against plastic in which the dignified Principal Ms. Puja Dhiman, the staff members along with Woodlanders were involved. The school premises took a deep depth in the ocean of cleanliness and sanitation as the entire campus was wrapped in the essence of blissful and thought provoking planks with the slogans made by our hardworking Woodlanders in an innovative way.

The campaign culminated by presenting handmade paper bags to the staff members as a token for    “Say no to plastic”

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